Tuesday, 21 June 2016

5 Reasons You Must Use Condoms

India has the third largest population of people on the planet living with HIV. Around 2.1 million people in India are infected with HIV, said a report published by UNAIDS in 2014. AIDS (Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease caused by the Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV). The virus attacks the body’s immune system, making it weaker and weaker as time passes. Two of most common causes of AIDS today are sexual contact with an infected person and infected blood transfusion, both of which can be prevented. While you may get the blood tested before transfusion, how do you know whether your sexual partner is completely healthy? In most situations, you don’t! You just need to take the required precautions.

Benefits of Having Protected Sex

Condoms are one of the best ways of protecting oneself against the transmission of HIV through sexual contact. Even when the other person is definite that they are not HIV positive, if you or they have more than one sexual partner, you must use protection. A lot of the times, the person might be infected but not know it themselves, since the symptoms take time to become apparent. There are of two types of wearable protection: one worn by women and the other by men. However, the latter is more common. Here are few reasons that why you should use wearable protection every time you have sex.
  1. Protects From Sexually Transmitted Diseases – It not only protects you from AIDS but also other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhoea. You must discuss your sexual history with your partner and encourage them to do the same before indulging in any sexual activity. Also, if you are having sex with a stranger, then protection becomes all the more necessary. Better be safe than sorry!
  2. Prevents Unwanted Pregnancies – One of the vital functions of condoms is to prevent pregnancies. You certainly do not want to turn your one night of fun into a lifetime of regret.
  3. Has No or Less Side Effects – When compared to other forms of contraceptives, it has no side effects, unless you are allergic to latex. Contraceptives such as injections and oral pills can adversely affect a woman’s health.
  4. Easily Available And Easy to Carry – You do not need any medical prescription to buy a pack. You can get it over the counter at any chemist shop. It is easy to carry, therefore you can make sure that you never have unprotected sex.
  5. Enhances Sexual Experience – There are various types of condoms available in the market that actually help enhance the experience for both partners. There are thinner ones that offer equal pleasure and higher intimacy, while there are some that have uniquely positioned dots and ribs that help in clitoral stimulation, such as Durex Pleasure Me Condoms. They have also been 100% electronically tested for safety. 

Monday, 20 June 2016

5 Ways to Build your Immunity Before the Rains Start

In 2015, Delhi saw a record 10,683 dengue cases during the monsoon and this number crossed the 15,000 mark by the end of November. More than 400 people were reported dead during this period. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the chances of surviving malaria have decreased by 47 percent since 2000, making it one of the dangerous water-borne disease. In India, more than 7 lakh cases of malaria were reported in 2015, with 217 deaths being reported. Monsoon is once again set to hit India. Although there are many allergy treatments available these days, it is important to prepare yourself for to remain safe during the rains.

Prepare Yourself for the Rainy Season

  1. Stack up on vitamins: This is one of the best ways to increase your immunity during the rainy season. Consumption of foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E help in improving the body's resistance to many diseases. Vitamin C charges the antibodies, which fight against the common cold, while Vitamin E reduces the effect of cold virus.
  1. Prepare a healthy diet chart: Make sure you have a healthy, balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Also try to avoid street food during this season, since cholera and typhoid are known to spread through contaminated water that is especially rampant during the rains. Prefer homemade tea over the road side masala chai.
  1. Drink enough water: We should drink adequate amounts of water everyday to keep ourselves well hydrated. It not only flushes our system but also removes germs and bacteria from the body. If your body receives the Right amount of water, its ability to resist the flu increases. During the rainy season, prefer clean, filtered water. 
  1. Get your water resistant gear: The worst part about the rainy season is that it is unpredictable. It rains without any prior warning, so it is important to be well prepared for it. It is better to invest in gear like water proof shoes, bags, umbrellas and rain coats to ensure that you don’t get wet and end up falling sick.
  1. Do not allow water stagnation: With the rain, comes diseases. Stored water is the perfect breeding grounds for disease causing mosquitoes and bacteria. It is one of the main reasons for diseases like malaria and dengue. Make proper arrangements for either storing rain water in covered containers or ensure proper drainage. Make sure your children stay away from water logged areas.

One of the most important things during the monsoon is to ensure personal hygiene. Infectious diseases spread very quickly at this time through touch. So, make sure you wash your hands regularly with an antibacterial soap or hand wash, such as Dettol Skincare pH Balanced hand wash that is known to provide 10 times better protection against germs. Also, keep a check on allergy treatments that work for you and keep a hand sanitizer handy for times when you do not have access to clean water and soap. 

Friday, 17 June 2016

How LED TVs make for a pleasurable viewing experience

LED TV online
LED TVs have redefined the consumer viewing experience – so much so, that no other TV can now make the cut!

For the average TV viewer, an LCD TV is a big innovation in television technology, topped only by the LED TV. Popular perception dictates that LED TVs are more expensive, but well worth their price tag, since they offer crisp, deep colour and sharper resolution. But there is much more to LED TVs than (literally) meets the eye. Here are a few things to know about LED TVs.

An LED TV is an improved LCD TV. Most people think that there is a very significant difference between the two types of TVs – in simple terms, an LED TV is not a radically different technology. It is actually an LCD TV that uses backlit LEDs instead of the usual cathode fluorescent lights (CFLs) screens, on receiving electricity. Thus, they are different from plasma TVs or OLED technology, where each pixel on the screen is an independent light source.

LED TVs come in two configurations. Some LED TVs have an entire panel of LEDs behind the screen – these are known as ‘full array’ LEDs. However, some people prefer thinner LED TVs, in which case, an entire array of LEDs cannot be put behind the screen. Hence, the LEDs are arranged to line the screen along its perimeter, so that the light is concentrated inward in the middle of the television. These TVs are known as edge-lit TVs. But this latter kind of LED TV is known to show brighter edges than the rest of the screen.

Some LEDs offer differential lighting. Also known as ‘local dimming’, this feature is unique to LED TVs with full array backlighting where the LEDs independently dim or light up areas of the screen depending on the screen colours and contrast. Hence, scenes featuring black and two other colours, for example, will have dimming in the black portions and lighting in the other portions. This gives unparalleled depth of colour and perception, making the picture alive.

LED TVs use less power than standard CFL screens. LED TVs will result in lower power bills for you, since LEDs are more efficient that CFLs. Most LED TVs today consume about 100W of power, as opposed to about 111W for CFL screen TVs and significantly lower than plasma TVs.

You can buy the best ever LED TV online with just a few clicks on your computer. It is extremely easy to buy an LED TV online: simply browse for the best models, compare specs and prices, look up payment options and any special offers or discounts, and proceed to pay for the TV set. The e-tailer will then ship it to your home and the company will install the TV set for you and explain how it works.

Why you Need Stem Cell Banking

benefits of banking stem cells
Stem cell banking is one of the most important tasks you can undertake in the lifespan of your child, with profound impacts on his health and that of close relatives.

Stem cells are miracles unto themselves; in many ways, they hold the key between life and death. Since they are uniquely capable of reproducing themselves and even turn into other types of cells, the benefits of banking stem cells are truly immense from a medical standpoint.[1]

It is possible to source adult stem cells for use in bone marrow transplants, but it is often a lengthy process to find a matching donor. Then, the donor must be prepared for the process prior to the surgery with medication. In some cases, the host may reject the transplanted stem cells, too. Increasingly, parents are looking to bank their baby’s stem cells by banking the baby’s cord blood at birth.

Stem cell banking benefits extend to the baby as well as immediate family members, such as siblings. Stem cells sourced from umbilical cord blood may prove to be highly useful in the treatment of many blood- and autoimmune disorders, since they are Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs), which have the potential to regenerate the human immune system.
Broadly, the following are the benefits of stem cell banking:
  • Stem cells sourced from umbilical cord blood can help the baby and his siblings. The umbilical cord blood and placenta of a new born baby are rich resources of stem cells. Stem cells are also found in adult bone marrow. However, families with a history of incurable cancers, for example, may benefit immensely from cord blood stem cell banking. Cord blood stem cells carry a genetic connection and can be used to treat siblings of the baby when needed.
  • Stem cells from cord blood can treat 80 serious diseases. Today, it is known that cord blood stem cells can treat 80 serious diseases. However, the stem cells may be sourced from umbilical cord blood or adult bone marrow. The benefits of stem cell banking today are also being explored for other incurable diseases such as Diabetes, as also neurological deficits that result in the Autism Spectrum Disorders. To a lesser extent, skin stem cells are also used to treat burn victims in the USA. In the future, stem cells may be used to regenerate damaged tissues in the heart and lungs.[2]
  • Umbilical stem cells show lower propensity for rejection. Graft Host Rejection (GHR) is an eventuality that many doctors grapple with after transfusing donated stem cells to a patient. However, stem cells sourced from cord blood are less prone to causing GHR in the patient, and hence, the chances of the operation becoming successful are also enhanced.[3]
  • It is easy and affordable. There are many certified cord blood banks in India which operate using state-of-the-art collection and cryogenic storage processes. However, there are not many public stem cell banks yet. Meanwhile, the private cord blood banks offer parents many affordable payment options and packages, while also efficiently coordinating the cord blood collection and storage post the birth.[4].

[1] http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/features/banking-your-babys-cord-blood
[2] Barrandon, Yann, ‘What diseases and conditions can be treated with stem cells?’
[3] ‘Cord blood banking: What is it, why consider it?’, http://www.babycenter.com/0_cord-blood-banking-what-it-is-why-consider-it_1362261.bc#articlesection3
[4] Cordlife India, https://www.cordlifeindia.com/price-and-enrolment